How to review your early career teacher (ECT) induction policy

Use our guidance and recommended questions to help you confidently approve your school's early career teacher (ECT) induction policy.

Last reviewed on 9 November 2023See updates
Ref: 38511
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Pupil referral units
  1. Key facts
  2. What this policy needs to do
  3. 4 key questions to ask school leaders
  4. Model policy for reference

What this policy needs to do

Your school's ECT induction policy must comply with:

It's not your job to cross-reference your policy with these bits of guidance and legislation. But you should expect your headteacher to have done so.

You can download an ECT model policy for reference in the last section of this article.

Remember though, it's your headteacher's responsibility to update these policies – as a governor, your role is to review any changes.

Set out the process of ECT induction clearly

Your policy should make clear:

Outline what happens if an ECT