How to review your premises management policy

Your school or trust isn't required to have a premises management policy, but it does need premises management documents to show how it deals with things like asbestos, statutory testing or fire safety. Find out how to review your policy, and use our models as a guide to what good looks like.

Last reviewed on 19 March 2024
Ref: 38494
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Independent schools
Sixth-form colleges
Pupil referral units
Non-maintained special schools
  1. Key facts
  2. Points to look out for
  3. Questions to challenge the policy
  4. Model policies
  5. Examples from schools and trusts

Points to look out for

Below we suggest what might be included in a premises management policy but, since it’s not statutory, policies can vary.

It’s not meant as a guide for writing a policy, since that’s your senior leaders’ job. Instead, use it to give you a sense of what to look for when reviewing it.

Aims and objectives

For example:

  • How buildings and equipment are managed in an efficient and legally compliant way, including:
    • Asbestos
    • Fire safety
  • How buildings and equipment are inspected and tested in line with statutory requirements and general best practice
  • How buildings and equipment are maintained in a way that promotes the health and safety of staff, pupils, parents and visitors

Roles and responsibilities

Governing board - ensures the policy is properly implemented, monitors the effectiveness of the policy and holds the headteacher to account Headteacher - makes sure the policy is implemented and