Last reviewed on 31 July 2023
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 36740

Be clear on what questions you can ask and what to look out for in your maths policy so you can review it confidently.

Key points to look out for

Below we suggest what might be included in a maths policy but, since it’s not statutory, policies can vary.

It’s not meant as a guide for writing a policy, since that’s your school leaders’ job, but use it to give you a sense of what you’re looking for when reviewing it.

Aims and objectives

For example:

  • How maths links with your school's vision and the National Curriculum
  • How maths links with other subjects (cross-curricular)
  • That pupils understand the importance of maths in everyday life
  • The skills pupils are expected to achieve by the time they leave, for example:
    • Mathematical fluency
    • Logical thinking and reasoning skills
    • A thorough knowledge and understanding of numbers
    • Knowledge of money, shape and the way information is gathered and presented
    • The language and skills to communicate their mathematical ideas
    • The ability to solve problems
    • The ability to transfer mathematical skills into other areas

Who will do what under the policy,