What this policy needs to do
Clearly outline the statutory requirements
The policy should set out what the statutory requirements are when it comes to careers guidance, so everyone is clear on what needs to be done and what their responsibilities are.
Key requirements include:
- Securing independent careers guidance from year 7
- Providing a minimum of 6 encounters with technical education or training providers to all pupils in years 8 to 13
- Being impartial and not showing bias towards any route, be that academic or technical (in line with the 'Baker Clause' – see page 6 of the DfE's statutory careers guidance)
- Publishing details of the careers programmes on the school/trust website (maintained schools must and academies should do this)
- Demonstrating how your school/trust is working towards the Gatsby Benchmarks
Read more in the DfE's statutory careers guidance.
Your policy might set out what happens when pupils are