How to review your suspension and permanent exclusion policy

Be clear on what your suspension and permanent exclusion policy should do and the questions to ask when reviewing it. Use our model policy to see what good looks like.

Last reviewed on 28 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 38438
  1. Key facts 
  2. What this policy needs to do
  3. 4 key questions to challenge the policy
  4. Take a look at a model policy
  5. See examples from schools 

What this policy needs to do

Your policy should aim to act as a failsafe to protect pupils and teaching staff from disruption, and allow learning to take place in a safe, calm and supportive environment. 

Roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders – for example, the headteacher and their responsibilities to inform parents and carers, the governing board and the local authority (LA) about suspensions and permanent exclusions How your headteacher will decide whether or not to exclude a pupil – the information they'll take into account, such as whether the pupil has special educational needs (SEN) The duties of the governing board around considering the suspension or exclusion of pupils – how this process works and what the