Your weekly round-up for 23 to 30 July 2021

Get up to speed with what’s happened in education this week.

Last reviewed on 29 July 2021
Ref: 39549
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Teachers earning less than £24,000 per year to receive an uplift of at least £250 next year. Eligibility will differ based on location, with teachers in inner London receiving the uplift if they earn less than £28,681 [Schools Week]. Get a quick recap on teachers' pay.

Schools may again have a legal duty to offer remote learning to self-isolating pupils next year. The DfE is considering reintroducing this legal duty, which expired at the end of this academic year [Schools Week]. Refresh yourself on how to monitor your school's contingency plan for remote learning.

Over 1.1 million pupils were absent on 16 July due to COVID-19, according to DfE figures. 994,000 of these pupils were self-isolating due to possible contact, and 48,000 were isolating with a confirmed case [Tes (free sign-up required)].

Daily contact testing in schools cuts absences, study finds [BBC News] Academy transfers fall to 4-year low

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