The new version of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) is valid from 1 September 2023. It confirms the recommended 2023 teacher pay award, as set out in the School Teachers' Review Body report. September 2023 pay award: at least a 6.5% increase to all pay and allowance ranges and advisory points Most pay and allowance ranges and advisory points are increasing by 6.5%. The minimum salary on the main pay range is getting a greater increase, to achieve a minimum starting salary of £30,000. All pay uplifts will apply retrospectively from 1 September 2023. The new annual pay ranges are: Leadership group Rest of England (£) Inner London area (£) Outer London area (£) Fringe area (£) Minimum 47,185 56,100 50,929 48,484 Maximum 131,056 139,891 134,765 132,352 See page 11 of the STPCD 2023. Headteacher group See pages 12 to 16 of the STPCD 2023 for the headteacher group pay, and information about the different headteacher groups. We're updating our headteacher pay group calculator in line with the updated pay ranges – select 'save for later' at the top of the article
Need-to-know: STPCD 2023 published
All teachers will get at least a 6.5% pay increase, with salaries for qualified teachers now starting from £30,000.
Last reviewed on 16 October 2023
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