Need-to-know: STPCD 2021 published

Some teachers can receive payments to cover catch-up tutoring in response to the pandemic, and working days are reduced for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee bank holiday next year.

Last reviewed on 4 October 2021
Ref: 39798

The new version of the School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD) is valid from 1 September 2021, with all changes applying retrospectively.

The STPCD covers teachers in maintained schools, and teachers in academies whose terms of employment transferred over at the time of conversion. The guidance comes out once a year and sets out things like pay ranges, working hours and pay progression.

The main changes this year are:

1. September 2021 pay award: a consolidated grant of £250 for all teachers earning below the relevant threshold

The threshold is different for teachers in:

Inner London£28,681
Outer London£27,419
The Fringe£25,194
The Rest of England£24,000

For part-time teachers, this is calculated based on the teacher’s full-time equivalent basic earnings. The award is separate to any payments linked to progression.

Your school can award

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