Need-to-know: Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) updated for 2023

KCSIE 2023 has been published. There aren't any big changes this year, but be clear on the most important ones now.

Last reviewed on 7 June 2023
Ref: 42623

The new version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) comes into force on 1 September 2023. There was no consultation period this year as the changes are quite minimal. 

We've summarised the key things you need to know, and are also working on a more detailed summary of the changes (find out how to access it at the bottom of this article).

Check arrangements around online filtering and monitoring are effective (part 2)

Your governing board should make sure that: 

Your board should also review the DfE’s filtering and monitoring standards. It

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