Need-to-know: DfE launches consultation on school accountability reform

The proposals include new principles for school accountability, plans to introduce new digital school profiles, and a stronger, faster approach to school improvement. Find out how to respond to the consultation, which you'll need to do by the end of Monday 28 April.

on 5 February 2025
Ref: 45112
  1. Who can respond to the consultation?
  2. What is the consultation about?

The Department for Education (DfE) is consulting on a new accountability system for schools. The deadline for responses is Monday 28 April 2025.

You can read more about the consultation on the DfE's website and have your say via its online survey.

Do share these links with your board. However, remember to emphasise that this is just a consultation – your board or school shouldn't change anything yet, such as any school policies or procedures.

Please note: this consultation is separate to (but designed to complement) Ofsted's consultation on changes to inspections.

Who can respond to the consultation?

The DfE would like to hear from:

  • Those involved in leading, governing, teaching or supporting in state-funded schools
  • Parents/carers
  • Pupils
  • Groups representing leaders, teachers, support staff, trustees and governors
  • Third sector organisations and others that provide improvement support to state funded schools

What is the consultation about?

Chapter 1: sets out the DfE's overall approach to improving school accountability,

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