Need-to-know: DfE launches consultation on draft update to relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) guidance

The update includes year group thresholds for teaching specific topics, as well as updated guidance on sharing curriculum materials with parents/carers, including a responsibility for governors and trustees to make sure this happens. Find out how and when you can respond to the consultation.

Last reviewed on 16 May 2024
Ref: 44645

The Department for Education (DfE) is consulting on proposed changes to its RSHE guidance for schools, following a review into the content by the DfE and an independent panel of experts. The consultation is running for 8 weeks and will close on 11 July 2024.

Schools won't need to implement changes yet

This is a draft piece of guidance, so schools shouldn't implement it or make any changes to policies or procedures.

Once the final statutory guidance is published, your school or trust leaders will have an implementation period which will give them time to make changes to their curriculum.

Respond to the consultation

As governors and trustees, your existing responsibilities for monitoring RSHE and safeguarding mean that your views on the proposed changes are important.

Read the proposed

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