Need-to-know: DfE launches consultation on changes to behaviour and exclusion guidance

New national behaviour benchmark and exclusions applied for safeguarding reasons, included in proposed changes.

Last reviewed on 4 February 2022
Ref: 40396

The DfE is consulting on changes to guidance on behaviour and exclusions, and related legislation. You can respond to the consultation, and read the proposed guidance changes, on this website. The deadline for responses is 10pm on 31 March 2022.

What's changing?

Use the current versions of the guidance to compare with proposals included on the link above:

Guidance on what should be included in school behaviour policies The introduction of a new national behaviour benchmark Removing pupils with challenging behaviour from classrooms, including the use of removal rooms Changes to the processes and deadlines for exclusions and suspensions (also known as 'fixed-term exclusions') Regulating remote meetings for governing boards and independent review panels (IRPs) so they remain a permanent option  The collection and use of data on exclusions and suspensions How

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