The deadline for sending a response is 10 August 2021, at 12:15am.
The 'call for evidence' includes questions about:
- Behaviour management strategies
- Banning mobile phones from the school day
- Removal rooms and spaces
- In-school behavioural units (sometimes called 'inclusion units' or 'AP units')
- Managed moves
The questions primarily focus on your school's procedures, common and effective practice, outcomes and challenges linked to each of the topics above.
You don't have to answer all of the questions, so you can respond with 'not applicable' or 'N/A' to the questions that don't apply to your school, or that you don't feel confident answering.
You can submit your answers using an online form. If you can't use the form, the last section includes instructions for alternative ways to submit your responses.
See the full details here.