Need-to-know: DfE announces changes to inspection and accountability measures

Routine Ofsted inspections have been delayed until at least April for most schools, and there are changes to primary and secondary exams and performance tables.

Last reviewed on 3 December 2020
Ref: 38409

Delays to routine Ofsted inspections, except for 'inadequate' and 'RI' schools

Monitoring inspections will resume from January, for schools rated 'inadequate' and some schools rated as 'requires improvement'. 

For all other schools, regular inspections won't start again until at least April. 

In its press release, Ofsted also said it will work with sector representatives to develop its approach to routine inspection in 2021.

Changes to primary SATs and assessments

The DfE announced that the following exams are cancelled for this year:

  • KS1 English reading
  • KS1 maths
  • KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • KS2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling

The DfE has also confirmed that the introduction of the multiplication tables check will be postponed again – it'll just be optional this year.

Teacher assessment

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