Using pupil questionnaires: guidance and examples

Use questionnaires to involve pupils in decision-making and to monitor how effectively your school is meeting their needs. Get some guidance on how to use them well and see some examples from schools.

Last reviewed on 15 August 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5394
  1. What to use pupil surveys for
  2. Decide whether a survey is the best option
  3. Keep your involvement strategic
  4. Adapt our template teaching and learning questionnaires 
  5. See examples from schools

What to use pupil surveys for

Surveys help you involve pupils in decisions

The Governance Handbook says that schools should consider the views of pupils in decision-making. This is called 'pupil voice' (see pages 114 and 115). 

Use pupil voice to:

  • Support your consideration of a specific decision – for example, new playground equipment
  • Understand pupils' opinions about the school as a whole, which will help you with your strategic vision

Surveys provide data to inform your monitoring

Surveys can help you monitor areas that really impact on pupils' experiences of life in your school, such as teaching and learning, your school's approach to behaviour or your equality objectives.

They'll also help you to assess whether your school is meeting objectives on how pupils feel about being in school, such as feeling supported with problems, happy or