Parent and staff surveys: governors' role

Surveys can be a great way to gather feedback from parents and staff if done effectively. Use this article to get the most from your surveys and see examples from schools.

Last reviewed on 19 May 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4507
  1. Surveys can help parents and staff feel included in decision-making
  2. Is a survey the best option?
  3. Keep your involvement strategic
  4. Staff surveys are generally carried out by the headteacher
  5. Parent/carer survey examples
  6. Staff survey examples

Surveys can help parents and staff feel included in decision-making

As a governing board, you need to have a full understanding of the views and needs of all stakeholders, including:

  • Pupils
  • Staff
  • Parents and carers
  • Local communities

You're expected to have mechanisms that enable you to listen, understand and respond to the voices of your stakeholders. This is according to pages 14 and 20 of the Governance Handbook

Parent and staff surveys can be an effective way of getting feedback on a variety of subjects.

For more ideas on how to listen to and communicate with stakeholders, see our article on tips to boost engagement with parents and other stakeholders

Is a survey the best option?

Once you've decided you want feedback from parents/carers or staff on something, discuss whether a survey is the most appropriate format. You need to be clear why you’re doing it and what value it will add.

Are you going to learn something you don’t already know? Will