What is the whole-school approach to behaviour?
The Department for Education (DfE)'s guidance on behaviour in schools introduces a 'whole-school approach' to behaviour (see pages 6-12).
A whole-school approach means that every aspect of life in your school should proactively support high standards for behaviour. This includes:
- The way pupils are taught to behave
- The way staff respond to misbehaviour
- The way staff conduct themselves in their own relationships with other staff members, parents and pupils
It starts with a positive behaviour culture
This way, your school's environment makes it easier for pupils to behave well. The environment should be calm, safe and supportive, and free from disruption.
Your written statement of behaviour principles supports a positive behaviour culture School leaders change the focus from 'rules which mustn't be broken' to setting an expected standard of behaviour for pupils to meet. Your school determines this standard, but it must