Independent review panels: role of the exclusions panel chair

If you've been asked to appear at an independent review panel (IRP), find out what to expect and use our resources and advice to help you prepare for the meeting.

Last reviewed on 4 November 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 44871
  1. Your role
  2. How can I prepare?
  3. Organising the hearing
  4. What will happen during the hearing?
  5. What happens after the hearing?
  6. Find more support

Your role

Your role is a crucial one. You're there to:

  • Clarify how the exclusions panel reached its final decision
  • Answer questions from the independent review panel (IRP) so they can understand the process the exclusions panel followed

We'll give you some examples of questions you may be asked later in this article, to help you prepare.

If you need a refresher on the purpose and membership of IRPs, read our other article first.

How can I prepare?

Representing the exclusions panel at an IRP can seem daunting. It might feel like a lot of scrutiny and it's likely that you'll face a lot of questions from the IRP. But try not to worry – the IRP is trying to establish that procedures were followed correctly. So, if it feels like you're being cross-examined, try to stay calm and don't take it personally.

Take your notes into the meeting with you. You