Governors' suspensions and exclusions panels: procedures

As a governor, you'll most likely be asked to consider a suspension or exclusion at some point. Read about the procedures to follow when sitting on the governors' panel.

Last reviewed on 24 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5030
  1. Governors' role in suspensions and exclusions
  2. Set the date and time within the statutory limits
  3. Hold the panel virtually if parents have requested it
  4. Send out the papers and evidence
  5. Know who must, and may, attend
  6. Deal with disruptions
  7. Take minutes
  8. Consider these points when making a decision
  9. Notify parties about the decision
  10. Make sure the pupil's name is removed from the school register, where appropriate

Unless stated otherwise, the information in this article is taken from the Department for Education's statutory guidance on suspension and permanent exclusions (in force from September 2023). 

Governors' role in suspensions and exclusions

As a governor, it’s very likely you’ll be asked to consider a suspension or exclusion at some point in your service.

When a pupil is suspended or excluded, your governing board has a duty to consider parents' representations about the suspension or permanent exclusion. This duty is often delegated to a committee convened specifically for that purpose, which we refer to here as the 'suspensions and exclusions panel'.

If you're in an academy, you'll need to check whether your articles of association set out any requirements or restrictions on delegation.

You can read more about suspending or excluding a pupil in our other article.

If you're required to set up a governors' suspension or