In-year admissions and fair access protocols

Get to grips with the rules on in-year admissions and fair access protocols. Find out what you need to do if you're the admission authority for your school or trust, and know what your local authority must do if it's the admission authority.

Last reviewed on 22 May 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 39314
  1. In-year admissions
  2. Fair access protocols (FAPs) are used to place vulnerable children
  3. Children who can be admitted via the FAP
  4. Admitting pupils via the FAP

This article is based on the latest School Admissions Code (2021) from the Department for Education. Our model admissions policy also complies with this code. 

Check if you're the admission authority

In-year admissions

Whoever is managing in-year admissions must:

Requirements where the LA is the admission authority LAs must publish on their websites by 31 August each year: Information on how in-year admissions can