How to consult on admission arrangements

If you're an admissions authority, you must consult on your admissions arrangements at prescribed times. Understand what you need to do to carry out your consultations.

Last reviewed on 8 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5284
  1. How often to consult
  2. Who to consult 
  3. How to consult
  4. Handling objections to your admissions arrangements

The information in this article is from the School Admissions Code and applies to you if you're the school's admission authority: 

  • Academies the academy trust is the admission authority
  • Foundation schools – the governing board is the admission authority
  • Voluntary-aided (VA) schools – the governing board is the admission authority

How often to consult

You must consult on your admission arrangements:

  • Whenever you propose changes to your admissions arrangements (unless the changes are 1 of the exceptions below, that don't require consultation)
  • At least once every 7 years, even if you make no changes

You don't need to consult on your admission arrangements if you're: 

If you don't consult properly, this can be grounds for complaints and appeals.

Who to consult 

Parents/carers of children