The information in this article is from the School Admissions Code and applies to you if you're the school's admission authority:
- Academies – the academy trust is the admission authority
- Foundation schools – the governing board is the admission authority
- Voluntary-aided (VA) schools – the governing board is the admission authority
How often to consult
You must consult on your admission arrangements:
- Whenever you propose changes to your admissions arrangements (unless the changes are 1 of the exceptions below, that don't require consultation)
- At least once every 7 years, even if you make no changes
You don't need to consult on your admission arrangements if you're:
- Increasing your published admission number (PAN) or
- Changing your arrangements to comply with the school admissions code, linked above, or The School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012
If you don't consult properly, this can be grounds for complaints and appeals.
Who to consult
Parents/carers of children