How to change the published admission number (PAN)

If you’re the admissions authority for your school, be clear on what you need to do if you want to increase, decrease or admit above the PAN, so you can stay compliant.

Last reviewed on 24 April 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4198
  1. Be clear on who the admission authority is
  2. If you want to increase the PAN
  3. You can admit above the PAN, or be directed to do so
  4. If you want to reduce the PAN
  5. The schools adjudicator process

Be clear on who the admission authority is

Most of this article is aimed at governing boards who are the admission authority for their school.

Type of schoolAdmission authority
AcademyAcademy trust (the board of trustees)*
Foundation schoolGoverning board
Voluntary aided schoolGoverning board
Community schoolLocal authority
Voluntary controlled schoolLocal authority

This is outlined in paragraph 11 on page 6 of the School Admissions Code.

* If you sit on a local governing body in a multi-academy trust (MAT), check your scheme of delegation to see if you have any responsibilities regarding admissions.

If you want to increase the PAN

You're not required to have a consultation

Although many schools still choose to have a consultation when considering increasing their published admission number (PAN). 

Regardless, you must:

  • Notify your local authority (LA) 
  • Make reference to any changes to your PAN on your school website
